Chilled desserts

These cheese cake bars are a Hungarian specialty, however there is a minor international production. We’ve been manufacturing them since 1996, our private label, own label and first price products are available at most Hungarian supermarket chains, retailers and wholesalers. Among the classic unfilled bars, strawberry and apricot flillings are a favorite, but we have developed plum, lime, cherry brandy, floating isles (vanilla custard), banana, tiramisu, coconut, sour cherry and marzipan flavors as well. The most recent developments enrich the chilled bars with added vitamins and real dried fruit pieces.

Chilled desserts


Contact Us

 6346 Sükösd, Dózsa Gy. út 168
 iwinex (@)
 (00 36) 79 363 122
 (00 36) 79 363 927
 (00 36) 79 563 690
 (00 36) 79 563 691
Adószám: 11370871-2-03
 Cg: 03-09-117330
Kecskeméti Törvényszék Cégbírósága