Private label

Our company has extensive experience in developing different kind of snack products. We are also a strong player in Private Label cooperating with (Lidl, Tesco, Auchan, Kaufland).

We have spent 15 years developing the fruit bar manufacturing process that made it possible to create a unique snack that retains the fantastic flavors, high antioxidant levels as well as most of the nutritional value of the fresh fruits.

Our 3000m2 high tech, modern facility boasts to have the IFS Certification at Higher Level for many consecutive years.

All of our 110 employees work hard to ensure that our snacks are created with real and simple ingredients. We believe that real food tastes the best, satisfies hunger and has the best nutritional value.

If you are interested in starting your own line of products, please get in touch with us. We will be happy to custom-make your ideas.

Contact Us

 6346 Sükösd, Dózsa Gy. út 168
 iwinex (@)
 (00 36) 79 363 122
 (00 36) 79 363 927
 (00 36) 79 563 690
 (00 36) 79 563 691
Adószám: 11370871-2-03
 Cg: 03-09-117330
Kecskeméti Törvényszék Cégbírósága