Quality assurance

Quality assurance is a high priority at Iwinex Ltd. We have combined quality assurance regulations with in-house experience to deliver a high base level for our units. Our procedures have been developed to facilitate an effective and economic operation in compliance with the requirements of SGS International Food Standards. We are audited on a regular basis by foreign and national retail chains and partners. Upon request, we can integrate or introduce other quality assurance systems as well. 

For the short shelf-life chilled production a very strict quality assurance system is applied, and the later productions continued to apply the same procedures, to ensure the continuous confidence and full credit of the satisfied customers. 

Contact Us

 6346 Sükösd, Dózsa Gy. út 168
 iwinex (@) iwinex.hu
 (00 36) 79 363 122
 (00 36) 79 363 927
 (00 36) 79 563 690
 (00 36) 79 563 691
Adószám: 11370871-2-03
 Cg: 03-09-117330
Kecskeméti Törvényszék Cégbírósága